
Fannie N. Ridgeway Endowed Scholarship

This housing scholarship was established in 1995 by the DC Chapter in memory of Mrs. Fannie N. Ridgeway.  The scholarship is for a male student in their junior year, who possesses a good academic record, has given service to others, and exhibited high ideals and an understanding of others. The scholarship is awarded to a student from the Washington DC Metropolitan Area.  The Fanny N. Ridgeway Scholarship became endowed in 2001.


The SAFE Fund contributes emergency funding assistance to retain Dillard students who might otherwise be forced to forfeit attending school due to short term financial hardships. This fund was established by University President Dr. Walter Kimbrough to give vital assistance to at-risk students who, through no fault of their own, simply cannot afford some or all of their books, fees, housing or are unexpectedly confronted with a financial emergency.

DUNAA Endowed Scholarship

Since 1983, members of the Dillard University National Alumni Association have supported our Endowed Scholarship via individual donations, chapter donations, and life membership dues. Our support has helped many juniors and seniors continue their pursuit to Walk the Oaks and achieve a Dillard University degree. The Dillard University Office of Financial Aid selects scholarship recipient(s) on an annual basis.